In Time’s Unfolding

for piano


23 February 2001

Ju Ying Song, piano

Music Library Association
70th Anniversary Concert
CUNY Graduate Center
New York, NY

Work Details


ca. 7 minutes


C. F. Peters No. P68021


Written for the 70th Anniversary of the Music Library Association

Sample Pages

Selected Press


“In Times Unfolding (2000), for solo piano…takes off from the opening chords of Keith Jarrett’s version of ‘Something to Remember You By.’ Its title serves as a good description for this dreamy little piece of night music.”

American Record Guide

Allen Gimbel, Nov/Dec 2011

“Incorporating snippets or ideas from Schumann, Gershwin, Copland, Carter, Jarrett and himself…It is certainly very American, mellifluous and…pleasant….”


Byzantion, 2011 Sept 11

“In Time’s Unfolding…opens and closes the program, and again refers to Schumann, but also has a distinctly American flavor. Biscardi mentions Gershwin and Copland as harmonic referents, and I hear Bernstein as well.”


Robert Carl, 2012

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Mr. Biscardi seems to have begun early on with the usual modern music influences, but his broad musical tastes cultivated a postmodernism that delights in quotes and stylistic references, many to himself. In Times Unfolding (2000), for solo piano (also the title of this program), takes off from the opening chords of Keith Jarrett’s version of ‘Something to Remember You By. Its title serves as a good description for this dreamy little piece of night music. A number of fragments from other Biscardi pieces as well as a burst from Schumann’s Carnaval serve to give the work its personal imprint. Pianist Peloquin plays it twice, once to start, and once to end the program. Jarrett’s arrangement is, of course, itself a remembrance.

— Allen Gimbel, American Record Guide (November/December 2011)

The CD – rather brassily – opens and closes with the same piano piece, In Time’s Unfolding, taken from a poem by American author Galway Kinnell, ‘When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone’. The work was commissioned by the US Music Library Association, and their stipulation that the music should “look forward and reflect backward at the same time” is presumably justification for the repetition. Incorporating snippets or ideas from Schumann, Gershwin, Copland, Carter, Jarrett and himself, Biscardi describes it as “at once poignant and painful, lonely, exuberant, heroic, and – in a concentrated way – epic.” It is certainly very American, mellifluous and, though not in any way earth-shattering, a pleasant way to pass six minutes (twice).

— Byzantion, MusicWeb International Classical Reviews (September 11, 2011)

In Time’s Unfolding (2000) (for piano) opens and closes the program, and again refers to Schumann, but also has a distinctly American flavor. Biscardi mentions Gershwin and Copland as harmonic referents, and I hear Bernstein as well.

— Robert Carl, Fanfare, The Magazine for Serious Record Collectors (January 2012)