Poet’s Aria (from Tight-Rope)

for baritone (or tenor) and piano


For this song, begin watching at 11:57, or click here to open a new tab cued to that time.


Tight-Rope was included in episode 102 of the Countermelody Podcast:

John Reardon: Make Someone Happy
(For Tight-Rope, start at 01:10:20)


Standalone Premiere
1 November 1998
Gabriel Alfieri, baritone | Richard Cumming, piano
The American Voice: A Recital of American Music
Reisinger Concert Hall, Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville, NY

First Performances
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music and Department of Theatre and Drama
Carol Rennebohm Theater, Music Hall
5-26 October 1985
Luther Dance: John Reardon | Peter Halverson
Music Director, Karlos Moser

Work Details


ca. 3 minutes

Vocal Range:

Baritone: B2-G4
Tenor: C3 – B4


Libretto by Henry Butler


Biscardi Music Press
Tenor: No. B48-85-1a
Baritone: No. B48-85-1b


Classical Vocal Reprints
No. CVR3619 Tenor
No. CVR3620 Baritone

Theodore Front Musical Literature, Inc.
Tenor | Baritone


Commissioned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music for the celebration of its 90th Anniversary and the opening of its newly renovated Music Hall.

Sample Pages